API Docs for: 0.0.6


 * PrototypeJS Model extension - Enables Prototype JS users to fetch / store
 * Models from / to a backend using AJAX / REST
 * Inspired by (but not copied) Backbone's Backbone.Model and Backbone.sync
 * @see http://backbonejs.org/
 * This is the static sync method (analog Backbone.sync), which does the server
 * communication. If you want to implement your own method, e.g. if you have another
 * backend interface, or even want to use local storage,
 * override Protobone.Model.sync with your own implementation.
 * @author Alexander Schenkel <alex@alexi.ch>
 * @copyright 2015 Alexander Schenkel
 * @license Released under the MIT License
 * @class Protobone.Model

// Private stuff
var httpMethods = {
    'create': 'post',
    'read'  : 'get',
    'update': 'put',
    'delete': 'delete'
    // TODO: implement PATCH for non-full updates
var legacyMethods = {
    'create': 'post',
    'read'  : 'get',
    'update': 'post',
    'delete': 'post'

var mapMethods = function(method, emulateHTTP) {
    return ((!!emulateHTTP) ? legacyMethods[method] : httpMethods[method]);

var statics = {
     * If set to true, only use GET (read) and POST (create,update,delete) HTTP
     * Methods, and set the X-HTTP-Method-Override request header with the
     * true method.
     * NOTE: TODO: At the moment, only legacy methods (GET/POST) are supported (emulateHTTP: true),
     * because the Prototype JS library does NOT support other requests than POST/GET.
     * So set emulateHTTP to false does not change a thing, unfortunately...
     * @property emulateHTTP
     * @type {Boolean}
    emulateHTTP: true,

     * TODO: Implement emulateJSON to use a post body instead of RAW json
     * @property emulateJSON
     * @type {Boolean}
    emulateJSON: false,

     * This method is where the real server communication happens. It uses
     * Prototype's Ajax.Request to send / load data to/from a REST backend.
     * It is called in a static context (`Protobone.Model.sync`) from a Model's instance
     * and can be overridden if you have to implement your own storage backend (e.g. localstore)
     * or an incompatible API.
     * The default method uses the following HTTP methods
     * * method: create -> `POST /collection`
     * * method: read   -> `GET  /collection[/id]`
     * * method: update -> `POST /collection/id` (Request Header: `X-HTTP-Method-Override: put`)
     * * method: delete -> `POST /collection/id` (Request Header: `X-HTTP-Method-Override: delete`)
     * @method sync
     * @param {String} url The URL for the request
     * @param {String} method The HTTP method. Only supported at the moment: 'get', 'post' (as of Prototype's limitation)
     * @param {Protobone.Model} model A model instance to be sent / updated to /from the server
     * @param {Object} options Additional Ajax.Request options
     * @static
    sync: function(url, method, model, options) {
        var httpMethod = mapMethods(method, statics.emulateHTTP),
            ajaxOptions = {
                method: httpMethod,
                contentType: 'application/json',
                postBody: Object.toJSON(model.get()),
                requestHeaders: {}
        if (statics.emulateHTTP) {
            ajaxOptions.requestHeaders['X-HTTP-Method-Override'] = httpMethods[method];
        options = options || {};
        Object.extend(ajaxOptions, options);

        return new Ajax.Request(url, ajaxOptions);

module.exports = statics;