API Docs for: 0.0.6


 * PrototypeJS Model extension - Enables Prototype JS users to fetch / store
 * Models from / to a backend using AJAX / REST
 * Inspired by (but not copied) [Backbone's Backbone.Model](http://backbonejs.org/) and Backbone.sync
 * Usage example:
 * ```javascript
 * // Create your own Model class:
 * var Person = Class.create(Protobone.Model,{
 *     urlRoot: '/entity/Person'
 * });
 * // Use an instance of the model:
 * var alex = new Person({
 *     name: 'Schenkel',
 *     firstname: 'Alex'
 * });
 * alex.save({onSuccess: function(res,model){
 *     console.log(model.getId());
 * }});
 * ```
 * @author Alexander Schenkel <alex@alexi.ch>
 * @copyright 2015 Alexander Schenkel
 * @license Released under the MIT License
 * @class Protobone.Model
 * @extends Protobone.Base
 * @constructor
var statics = require('./statics.js');
var Base = require('./Base.js');
var Model = Class.create(Base, {

     * Defines the name of the ID attribute. Defaults to `id`.
     * @property id
    idAttribute: 'id',

     * The URL root for this Model. Must be set in child classes,
     * e.g. to '/entities/Person'.
     * Used by the url() function to build the persistence URL.
     * @property urlRoot
     * @type String
    urlRoot: '',

     * Used by the parse() function, it defines the root property
     * in the server's json response which contains the
     * payload data for the model. Defaults to null (delivered json
     * directly contains model attributes)
     * @property rootProperty
    rootProperty: null,

     * Constructor. Sets the given data (key/value pairs)
     * as attributes on new model instances.
     * @method constructor
     * @param {Object} data Initial data (key/value pairs) to set on the new Model instance, e.g.: `{name: 'Alex',age: 26}`
    initialize: function($super, data) {
        data = data || {};
        this._attributes = {};

        /** TODO: Implement dirty attribute detection */
        this._dirtyAttributes = {};


     * Returns the instance's ID of the model. Null means it is a new, not saved
     * instance.
     * @method getId
     * @return {mixed} The ID (int, string), if any
    getId: function() {
        return this[this.idAttribute] || null;

     * Sets the Model instance's ID. It also sets it as attribute
     * value so that it is sent to the server when synced.
     * @method setId
     * @param {mixed} id The id to set (e.g. an integer, or even a string)
     * @return {this} Supports fluent interface by returning itself
    setId: function(id) {
        this[this.idAttribute] = id || null;
        this._attributes[this.idAttribute] = id || null;
        return this;

     * Sets Model attributes (key/values). Takes either a key and a value,
     * or a plain object containing key/value pairs.
     * @method set
     * @param {string}/Object keyOrObject A string representing the key (e.g. 'name')
     *    or an object with key/values (e.g. 'name':'alex','age':'too old')
     * @param {mixed} value The value to set if keyOrObject is a string. Ignored when keyOrObject is an object.
     * @return {this} Supports fluent interface by returning itself
    set: function(keyOrObject, value) {
        var oldValues = {},
            newValues = {},
            obj = {};
        if (typeof keyOrObject === 'string') {
            obj[keyOrObject] = value;
        } else if (typeof keyOrObject === 'object') {
            obj = keyOrObject;

        $H(obj).each(function(pair) {
            this._setAttribute(pair.key, pair.value,newValues,oldValues);
        return this;

     * Sets a single Model attribute (e.g. 'name' to 'Alex'). Internal helper function.
     * Please use set() instead.
     * @param {string} key The key of the attribute to set, e.g. 'name'
     * @param {mixed} value The value to set
     * @return {this} Supports fluent interface by returning itself
    _setAttribute: function(key, value,newVals, oldVals) {
        if (typeof key === 'string') {
            if (this._attributes[key] !== value) {
                if (oldVals) oldVals[key] = this._attributes[key];
                if (newVals) newVals[key] = value;
                this._dirtyAttributes[key] = value;

            this._attributes[key] = value;
            if (key === this.idAttribute) {
        return this;

     * Returns a specific attribute, or all if key is omitted
     * @method get
     * @param {string} key The name of the attribute to get. If omitted, an object
     *    containing all attributes (key/value) is returned.
     * @return {mixed} The value of the requested attribute, or an object with all attributes
    get: function(key) {
        if (!key) {
            return Object.clone(this._attributes);
        if (this.hasAttribute(key)) {
            return this._attributes[key];
        } else {
            return null;

     * Creates the REST url for the actual state of the Model. Override this
     * method if you want to implement your own URL scheme. Here is how it works
     * by default:
     * - non-persistent state (id = null): return '<urlRoot>'
     * - persistent state (id <> null): return '<urlRoot>/<id>'
     * @method url
     * @return {String} The URL for this Model instance, e.g. `/root/Entity/3`
    url: function() {
        var url = this.urlRoot;
        if (!url) throw new Error("urlRoot not set. Please define an urlRoot in your model.");

        if (!!this.getId()) {
            url += '/' + String(this.getId());
        return url;

     * Makes this model persistent by sending the data to a REST interface (by default).
     * Make sure to set the urlRool property on class definition.
     * options are all options that Prototype's Ajax.Request understands, so you
     * can e.g. deliver a onSuccess callback:
     * ```javascript
     * myModel.save({onSuccess: function(response,model){
     *     // do something after save here
     * }});
     * ```
     * @method save
     * @param {Object} options Additional Ajax options to be sent to Ajax.Request.
    save: function(options) {
        var url = this.url(),
            method = !!this.getId()?'update':'create';

        return this._request(url, method, options);

     * Fetches this Model's representation from the server. Only
     * allowed for existing (id <> null) models. options is passed
     * along to Prototype's Ajax.Request function.
     * @method fetch
     * @param {Object} options Additional Ajax options to be sent to Ajax.Request.
    fetch: function(options) {
        if (!this.getId()) throw new Error('Cannot be called for new Models');

        var url = this.url(),
            method = 'read';

        return this._request(url, method, options);

     * invokes a delete request to the server.  Only
     * allowed for existing (id <> null) models. options is passed
     * along to Prototype's Ajax.Request function.
     * After the deletion was successful, the model instance is updated with the
     * server data, even if the server removed the instance.
     * @method destroy
     * @param {Object} options Additional Ajax options to be sent to Ajax.Request.
    destroy: function(options) {
        if (!this.getId()) throw new Error('Cannot be called for new Models');

        var url = this.url(),
            method = 'delete';

        return this._request(url, method, options);

     * internal helper function for initiating the requests for save, fetch, destroy
    _request: function (url,method,options) {
        var syncOptions = {};

        options = options || {};
        Object.extend(syncOptions, {
            onSuccess: (function(callback) {
                return function(response) {
                    if (callback instanceof Function) {

        return this.sync(url, method, this, syncOptions);

     * Just calls Protobone.Model.sync. If you want your own, Model-specific implementation,
     * override this function.
     * @see Protobone.Model.sync. Also here: inspired by http://backbonejs.org/#Sync
     * @method sync
    sync: function() {
        return statics.sync.apply(statics,arguments);

     * Called by save() and fetch() with the server's data response. Fills in the
     * server response to the model. In the default implementation, it just
     * takes the plain JSON object from the server (if any) and store the values on the model.
     * if `rootProperty`is set, the data entry point is set to the rootProperty data.
     * @method parse
    parse: function(response) {
        if (response && response.responseJSON) {
            if (this.rootProperty && response.responseJSON[this.rootProperty]) {
            } else {

     * Checks if the model has a certain attribute.
     * @method hasAttribute
     * @param {String} key The attribute name to check
     * @return {Boolean}
    hasAttribute: function(key) {
        return Object.keys(this._attributes).indexOf(key) >= 0;


// Adding support for JS Modules through browserify / ES 6:
module.exports = Model;